
Every day we are exposed to lots of toxins through radiation and pollution. Our body does a great job at detoxing but it could always use extra help. Today, we want to share FIVE tips to help your body naturally detox without any drugs, medications or supplements.

1.    Cut down on Unhealthy and Processed Foods

The first step to detoxing your body is to reduce the number of toxins going into your body. There are so many foods out there that are extremely processed. These foods contain excess fat, sodium, and sugar. All these contribute heavily to the toxin build-up in our body and will make your body work harder to cleanse itself.

2.    Eat Healthier Foods

Now that we removed the toxic foods, what should we replace them with? The answer is fruits & vegetables. Make sure to eat at least 7 servings of your favourite fruits and vegetables every day! Healthy foods to look out for include leafy greens, cranberries, and blueberries. If you have a hankering for meat, consider eating either lean proteins like chicken breasts or fatty fish like Salmon. Both are good for you. But of course, eat in moderation!

3.    Get your Heart Pumping

Cardiovascular exercise has so many benefits for your body. It can help you manage your weight and boost your mood. Not only that, but it can also help your body detox by sweating the toxins out! So, dust off your home gym or unpack your sweatpants. It is time to get your body moving and detox your body today!

4.    Chill Out!

Stress contributes significantly to free radical (toxin) build-up in your body. So, take some time out of your day to meditate and relax. Bring peace to your mind and your body. It can even be as simple as a mindfulness exercise involving deep breathing. There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube you can search for to learn how.

5.    Drink Plenty of Water

Do not undersell the value of water in your daily life. It is important to drink plenty of water throughout your day. This is to help your body cleanse itself and detox. Adults should drink between 2.7-3.7 Litres of water a day to ensure that their bodies are healthy.

Did you know that something like Hydrogen can help you detox your body? Hydrogen can neutralise free radicals, a nasty toxin that our body receives through our daily life. The only by-product of this neutralisation process is water which is easily excreted by your body.

You can also introduce Hydrogen into your life through the Hydrogen Water Generator. This 100% Made in Japan Water Generator provides the highest hydrogen concentration in the Malaysian market. This means that it will give you the best detoxing properties that Hydrogen can offer.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. Common symptoms are redness, itching and oozing vesicular lesions which become scaly, crusted or hardened.

Eczema has affected people around the world for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the cure for eczema is still very much out of sight, even with modern conventional medicine.

Who gets Eczema?

Long story short, eczema affects anyone. It is often very common among children but it can affect men and women of any age.

The condition and severity might vary from person to person. Eczema generally is categorized by dry, red patches on the skin that causes itchiness. Naturally, people will tend to scratch the itch and complicate the condition further as it will then develop into rashes.

What Causes Eczema?


One of the major causes of eczema is genetics. When one or both parents have eczema, it is extremely likely for their child to develop eczema.

Daily Diet

There are many food products that are believed to trigger eczema.

a. Wheat-based product.

Gluten causes eczema flare-ups. Gluten is commonly found in wheat products like bread, pretzels, and pasta.

b.     Dairy Product.

Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, ice cream, and cheese are associated with causing eczema. Babies who are breastfed are far less likely to suffer from eczema than a baby who consumes baby milk formula.

c.      Fish and seafood.

Oily fish such as Salmon, Tuna, Trout, Mackerel and Sardines can also cause eczema flare-ups due to the fatty acids contained within.

Further, crustaceans (such as lobster, crab, prawns and crayfish) and molluscs (such as clams, oysters, and mussels) should also be avoided.

d.      Acidic fruits

Cranberries, blueberries, and blackcurrants have been found to cause elevated irritation of eczema.

e.      Nuts

Nuts such as almonds, pistachios, cashew, hazelnuts, and walnuts can worsen the pre-existing condition of eczema if it is included in the diet.

Managing Eczema

Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E can hydrate your skin while promoting healing at the same time, furthermore, it will also activate the body’s ability to use Vitamin K and Selenium. The presence of Antioxidants in Vitamin E oil also provides an additional level of protection for the skin.


As eczema is caused by dry skin, those who are affected should frequently moisturise. This can be done by adding moisturiser to your skin and reducing the amount of soap used while showering. Timing is also key with moisturiser application. After drying off from your shower, apply your moisturisers within 5 minutes to have the maximum benefits!

Did you know? The Amzee Hydrogen Glow Mist works great as a moisturiser. Your skin will absorb more moisture than any other mist spray. Researchers from Yonsei University, South Korea have shown significant results of Molecular Hydrogen in suppressing the level of inflammation related to Atopic Eczema. Molecular Hydrogen’s ability to suppress inflammation is derived from its property as a strong and powerful antioxidant. 

You are not just working from home in a pandemic, you are surviving your workload while there is a pandemic going on. It is normal to feel that your mental health is in a tough spot during these challenging times. So, here are 7 tips to stay sane during this lockdown.

Stay Connected

Don’t be disconnected! Just because you can’t meet your friends in person during this lockdown doesn’t mean that you don’t need social interaction! All you need to do is to meet them virtually on Zoom, Whatsapp or Facebook!

Structure your Days

Planning may seem stressful but did you know that it actually reduces stress? Plan out your day-to-day tasks and give some structure to your daily routine so you don’t feel like being at home means doing nothing. This will give you the autonomy you need to reclaim your life.

Manage your Time

Sometimes when getting into the groove while working from home, you may end up working longer hours than needed. Remember to take a break and keep your work-life balance. Go for some leisure activities or spend time with your family at home. Your mental health and social life will thank you for it!

Physical Activities

Physical health and mental health come hand-in-hand. This is because exercise releases endorphins, the happy chemical. Of course, refrain from straining too hard.

Choose your Media Sources Purposefully

A lot of news out there can be very depressing because depressing news sells views. Choose the content that will give you peace of mind while making sure that the news that you read is fact-checked.

Stay Energized

Do not neglect your creative side. Activities like painting and drawing help soothe the mind. Once you are done, you can also have something nice to post up on your Instagram!

Eat a balanced diet

Don’t fall into the trap of gaining those pandemic pounds! Eating poorly will lead to you feeling more depressed because of the weight you will gain. Instead, consider eating a balanced diet with healthy foods that are high in antioxidants and can boost your immune system.

If you want an easy way to stay healthy and protected during this pandemic, you definitely want to check out the Hi-Bliss Hydrogen Water Generator.

Essential oils are unique in that they are a combination of chemical constituents that influence different systems in the body. Scent, memory, and emotion as well as the biological system on the cellular level. When choosing a method of use, both have to be taken into account.

Essential oils can be used in different ways from inhalation to topical application. Generally, the method of use depends largely on the intent. If you are using a blend of essential oils for pain relief, then topical application is by far the best method. However, if you are hoping to clear your sinus passageways then inhalation will work best.


Inhalation is one of the most popular and effective ways of using essential oils. Essential oils can be inhaled directly, indirectly, via diffusion or even steaming.

Direct inhalation of an essential oil involves little more than opening a bottle and inhaling the scent of the oil. Start from approximately an arm’s length away from your face and then slowly bring the bottle towards you. Be very careful not to place the bottle directly under your nose as some oils are very intense and can cause your eyes to water and irritate the mucosal area of the nose. If the oil you wish to inhale has been patch-tested and you do not show any signs of being allergic to it, you can place a drop in your hands, rub them together and inhale.

Indirect inhalation involves the use of an object such as a wooden peg, pouch or cotton balls, to obtain a slower, sustained release of the essential oils. In colder climates, dropping a drop of oil on a scarf is a good way of using essential oils via indirect inhalation. A drop of lavender on your pillow at night is a method of indirect inhalation to aid sleep.

Steam is a useful vehicle when it comes to inhaling essential oils. It is a good method of clearing your nasal and sinus passageways when you have the flu, a cold or blocked eustachian tubes. It also works well for soothing a cough in the lower respiratory system.

Diffusion is one of the most popular methods of using essential oils in a large space or room. A diffuser uses steam to spread the essential oil particles in the air and can be programmed to go on for as long as 8 hours. It is important to remember to clean out your diffuser after use and ensure it is dry before putting it away. Leaving it damp may lead to fungal growth, which would pose a health risk when used to diffuse your essential oils.

Topical Application

Topical application involves placing the oil directly onto the skin. Essential oils can be applied on pulse points – wrist, behind ears, ankles-, and specific locations that require soothing e.g. back pain, neck pain, on the soles of your feet or on acupressure points. Most oils must be diluted with a carrier oil before applying directly on the skin. Undiluted essential oils can cause nasty burns.


Ingestion of essential oils is a controversial issue, with vastly differing opinions from different schools of aromatherapy, and essential oil users and producers. I certainly do not see the need to ingest essential oils. The therapeutic benefits can be harnessed fully via other methods that are safe and highly effective. Essential oils are hydrophobic and do not dissolve in water, making them more difficult to dilute and digest. There have been adverse reports of essential oil ingestion such as internal burns, respiratory issues and poisoning. If you do decide to ingest these potent oils, mix them with an oil or honey or use a hydrolipid, which is an emulsified form of essential oil.

What are Essential oils?

Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants through distillation via steam and/or water, or mechanical methods, such as cold pressing. Cold pressing is most commonly used to obtain essential oils from citrus fruits such as oranges, bergamot, grapefruits, lemons, and limes. The oils capture the plant's unique scent and flavour, or "essence." In ancient times, essential oils were known as the soul of the plant.

The history of essential oils

Ancient Egypt was the true birthplace of essential oils. The Egyptians cultivated plants for their oils and used them extensively in their religion, in cosmetics, as well as for medicinal purposes.  Aromatic essence and resins were also used in the embalming process.  China and India were exploring herbs and aromatic plants too, which would become an integral part of the Indian Ayurvedic medical system.

Essential oils as medicine

The term “aromatherapy” as it is known today was first coined in 1937 by the French chemist and perfumer Rene Maurice Gattefosse.  In 1910 he burnt his hand badly in his laboratory, and being the first compound available, he treated his hand with pure undiluted lavender oil.  This not only immediately eased the pain but helped heal the hand without any sign of infection or scarring.

Dr. Jean Valnet, a French medical doctor, used essential oils to treat conditions ranging from eczema to diabetes with great success. Dr. Valnet was the first to record the specific properties, indications, and dosages of essential oils useful in medical practice.  His work is credited for being the foundation of two great trends we see today: the clinical and scientific methods and the more popular trend of aromatherapy geared towards wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

How does our body utilise essential oils?

Essential oils are volatile in nature and evaporate quickly. When the essential oil particles are inhaled, they travel up the nasal passageway to the lungs and the olfactory system of the brain. The olfactory system is what controls our sense of smell. The olfactory receptors send signals to the part of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system is known as the emotional brain because it forms and stores memories. Essential oils largely affect the hypothalamus and pituitary gland which are part of the limbic system and are responsible for sleep and hormonal balance. When used topically, the essential oils are absorbed via the pores in the skin and affect the surrounding muscles and tissues. They then seep into the bloodstream and lymphatic system, and from there reach all the internal organs. Once their work is done, the oils are excreted via the lungs, kidneys and skin. Because of the ability of these oils to enter the bloodstream and parts of the brain so rapidly, they have a huge impact on many different areas, ranging from emotions to hormonal imbalance, and aches and pains.

Have you ever felt like your muscles are on fire after a workout and not in a good way? Have you ever needed to take a week off from your gym routine because your muscles just hurt that much? Find out how to reduce muscle soreness after your intense workout sessions!

1.    Rest your Muscle Groups

Give your muscles the rest they deserve. After an intense workout session, let the muscle groups that you used in that session rest for 48 hours. In the meantime, it does not mean that your gym routine is over! Segment your workouts based on your muscle groups so that while one group is resting, you can work out the other!

Alternatively, use your rest days to do light exercises to just keep the blood pumping to your sore muscles.

2.    Cool Down

It may be tempting to blitz your way to the showers once you are done with your workout. Slow down and get some stretching done to cool down your body.

3.    Manage your Limits

It is always great to push beyond your previous limits but don’t over-strain or hurt yourself while trying to do so. Increase your limits gradually and bit by bit. Don’t aim to slam the heaviest plates in the gym on your first visit, especially after long periods of inactivity.

4.    Try Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen Water has anti-inflammatory properties. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) usually come from inflammation in your muscles after straining. Drinking Hydrogen Water will help you reduce your DOMS while not sacrificing your gains!

Previously we shared 8 foods that can boost your immune system but there are so many more than that. Today, we would like to share 8 more foods that can boost your body’s natural defense against pathogens and viruses.

Today’s list will have a local flair to it so keep your eyes peeled. Your favourite Malaysian food might have immune-system boosting properties!

Sunflower Seeds

A rich source of Vitamin E and antioxidants, which help improve immune function by fighting off fre radicals that can damage cells.


Another excellent source of Vitamin E. They also contain manganese, magnesium, and fibre, all of which may benefit the immune system.

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, Lemons, and Grapefruits are excellent sources of Vitamin C, which may reduce the duration of the common cold and improve the immune system.

Local Fruits

Guavas, Papayas, Watermelons, Bananas and Pineapple are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Antioxidants (carotenoids) and anti-inflammatory effects.


Rich in antioxidants such as xanthones (with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer effects) plus fibre for good gut health.

Green Tea

Contains flavonoids, which may reduce the risk of a cold. Containing a small amount of caffeine, drinking it also strengthens the immune system.

Pomegranate Juice

Rich in antioxidant polyphenols which help to reduce vascular inflammation and lower blood pressure. It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties while having Vitamin A, and Vitamin C which help prevent illness and infection.


A fermented drink containing live cultures of bacteria that are beneficial for health. Helps with reducing inflammation and increases antioxidant activity.

Hydrogen Water

Contains potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-allergy and the list goes on – to boost your natural defences against infections. Scientifically proven to have therapeutic benefits for over 170+ human diseases.

Drinking merely 1.5L of Hi-Bliss Hydrogen Water provides the same antioxidant potency as taking 1,496 apples or 2,194 bananas.

Inflammation is one of the most common discomforts in our daily lives. What if I told you that there are ways to reduce inflammation? Though diet is not the only way of managing and preventing chronic inflammation, it can play a crucial role in it. Let’s get into some diets you can consider to help prevent inflammation in your body!

1.    Eat Less Sugar!

Cut out the sugar in your life. Taking too much sugar leads to long-term inflammation and an increased risk of contracting other health issues like heart disease and diabetes. Soda is a no-brainer to cut out as it is full of sugar. However, did you know that refined carbohydrates are just as much a problem? Refined carbohydrates are things like bread and rice that have been refined to have less fibre in them. Complex carbohydrates like rolled oats and whole-wheat bread are better alternatives to white bread or rice.

2.    Eat Less Fat!

Low-Fat does not mean No-Fat. Fat in the right quantities and of the right type can be good for you. However, saturated and trans fats worsen inflammation. You should reduce or eliminate processed and packaged foods that have trans fats from processed vegetable or seed oil, and baked goods with soybean or corn oil. Always remember to read the label. There are good fats you can eat in moderate quantities like fats from nuts and fish!

3.    Eat More Fibre!

Fibre comes from eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates. Don’t miss out on nature’s gut cleanser! Fibre will keep you feeling full for longer while helping your digestive system process your food better. A high-fibre diet also has been linked to lower body inflammation levels.

4.    Spice up your life!

Curcumin is a compound that can be found in Turmeric and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Pro tip: Turmeric goes great with chicken and cauliflowers!

5.    Drink more water!

Staying hydrated is very important. Your body needs water to survive and thrive. Drink at least 2.7-3.7 Litres of water a day!

If you are wondering what sort of water you should be drinking, read here.

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