To list your product on the Amzee platform, your product will need to be:
- a) Proven
- a. Endorsements by Doctors/Researchers
- b. Research papers regarding your technology
- c. Supporting documentations is needed
- i. Patents, Certifications, Written Endorsements
- b) Ethically Produced
- a. Amzee will conduct a background check on all Merchants on the Amzee Platform to ensure that products are made without the abuse of human or animal rights.
- c) Non-Invasive
- a. Non-Surgical
- b. Does not cause or have high risk of injury to the user
- d) Internationally compliant to each country’s laws and regulations
- a. Amzee reserves the right to not sell products that may be illegal in one or more markets as we plan on opening our markets internationally.
- e) Safe
- a. We believe that all products need to be guaranteed to cause no harm to the user.
- b. Safety Certifications and Testing documents are needed.
Failure to adhere to the Amzee Standard will lead to not being eligible for the Amzee Platform. Failure to maintain the Amzee Standard will lead to termination of the contract.